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New Releases

Dogland Blog If you felt like your life was breaking apart, where would you go to try to put it back together? If you’re thirty-year-old Cooper Gosling, you’d go to the South Pole. For a year. Seriously. Gosling is the central character in Ashley Shelby’s debut novel,...

Book Review: Being a Dog

Dogland Blog Dogs can sniff out some pretty incredible things—explosives, drugs, cancer, criminals—the list continues to grow, bounded only, says cognitive scientist Alexandra Horowitz, by human imagination. In her newest exploration of doghood, Being a Dog: Following...

Happy Birthday Galen!

Dogland Blog On September 25, the New York Times’ Sunday Styles section paid tribute to “Fashion’s Favorite Pets”: Marc Jacobs’ bull terrier Neville, Karl Lagerfeld’s Birman cat Choupette, and Thom Browne’s miniature dachshund Hector, all of whom, the article says,...

DOGLAND: Behind the Prose

Dogland Blog Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to speak with Keysha Whitaker on her popular podcast, Behind the Prose. We talked about writing, publishing, and of course, dogs. The program is now online, and you can listen here. I will forewarn: Keysha and I...

You’re invited…

Dogland Blog This Friday—that’s February 5— at noon I’ll be talking about DOGLAND with Behind the Prose’s Keysha Whitaker on BlogTalkRadio. If Keysha models my interview on those she’s done in the past, our conversation will focus as much on the craft of writing as...

DOGLAND in the news

Dogland Blog I want to thank everyone who’s spread the word about DOGLAND–word of mouth is what sells books these days, especially when your last name isn’t Rowling or Grisham, and you’re not a comedian or politician pitching a memoir. So...